Products > Government DMS > MunAdmin EDMS
Outdated records management systems can have an adverse effect on the public’s right to access government-held information. When a requester cannot obtain a document in an expeditious manner because it cannot be found or has been prematurely destroyed, this strikes at the heart of any open and transparent government in the world.
Fortunately, there is a movement towards replacing antiquated records management systems with more sophisticated systems that facilitate the timely retrieval of records and promote the routine disclosure and active dissemination of documents. These systems should be configured in a manner that enhances the public’s right to access government-held information while protecting the privacy of personal information. Moreover, they should contain as many records as possible, including e-mails that document government decisions.
The implementation of ERDMSs will require sufficient resources and funding from government. Such schemes cannot succeed unless there is support at both the senior management level in institutions and at the political level.
As the MunAdmin administration system is of such a wide spectrum of Government / Local Government activities, we will gladly contact you for a full demonstration and discussion of all the capabilities of this system.
MunAdmin® is now available at a price that will knock your socks off!!!